
064 – Cord Young & Dave Hibler – Hooga Health & Forever Lazy

In this Happy Hour podcast, we’re chatting with Cord Young & Dave Hibler about red light therapy, adult onesies, and business during a pandemic.


  • (10:30) What do Dave and Cord do?
  • (15:09) Which onesie is Dave and Cord’s favorite?
  • (19:47) How did Forever Lazy begin?
  • (21:58) How did someone source manufacturing in 2009?
  • (24:41) How did Cord find Forever Lazy?
  • (32:01) What do Dave and Cord love about what they do?
  • (38:48) Dave and Cord’s hobbies.
  • (46:49) Orson Scott Card
  • (54:58) How was business during the pandemic?
  • (1:09:43) More about Cord.
  • (1:22:31) Film school.
  • (1:25:08) Two truths and a lie.


Ryan Freng 6:12
Well hello and welcome back to a another backflip happy hour. I’m Ryan Freng, a creative director, co creative director here at backflip. And joining me as always, is the man the myth, the legend, the cobbler himself, John Shoemaker. How’s it going, John?

John Shoemaker 6:28
It’s going well, quite well.

Ryan Freng 6:32
That’s how I love that intro. Thank you all for jumping in with us today and hanging out. We appreciate you. We appreciate you coming and drinking with us and hanging out with our friends and people that we find interesting. But before we get to that, it is a happy hour. We got to mention what we’re drinking and then we’ll bring our guests in and talk about that. So, John, what do you got going on today?

John Shoemaker 6:57
I have just a classic rum and coke. It’s the Spiced bar.

What is it called? Barbados bar bar, bar bar, bar Bara Bara? From Turks and Caicos. The dark Rome, from the Turks and Caicos and Coca Cola. And just in case it’s needed, just a just a cheapo just let me lie.

Ryan Freng 7:28
I had I had a Coors Coors Light Seltzer, the BlackBerry the other day, it tasted like medicine. It was the worst hour. So use. Yeah, I’m so used to the carbon for goodness. When I had one of those. It was the worst. Well,

John Shoemaker 7:40
blackberry and berry in general. Is this dangerous as a flavor of people don’t get it right very often. And it can. And that’s because you know, those medicine flavors. A lot of berries.

Ryan Freng 7:56
They’re very, very close to medicine.

John Shoemaker 7:58
Yeah. A lot of memories.

Ryan Freng 8:00
Hopefully not bad ones. All right. So I’ve got this kind of fun. I’m going to call it what am I going to call it lime, gin and lime. I made. I’m going to call this Kevin. This is Kevin. This is a gin and lime in their sparkling water in there. It’s kind of a nightlight, nice, light, refreshing. It’s not a gin and tonic. I couldn’t find the tonic. So I made the best of what I had. So that’s that’s to start. Then I’ve got some water. I’ve got a little bit of tea. I am at my desk. So I just collect drinks. I’ve got some extra sparkling water later. So about five minutes. I’m gonna have to go to the bathroom. It’ll be cool. You guys will be fine. So all right. That’s what we got for our drinks. Let’s bring in our guests and see how they’re doing. So let’s click that. And welcome to the show guys.

Dave Hibler 8:55
Thanks, guys. Glad to be here.

Cord Young 8:57
Thank you. Thank you. Glad to be here. Happy Friday.

Ryan Freng 9:00
So we’ve got let’s see, I got these. I’ll switch you guys around so that the graphics work. Right there we go. We got cord young and Dave hibler with us he blur her hibler, I’ve never said your last name. hibler. That’s what I was gonna guess. And Dave hibler, founders of hookah health hanging out with us today. Yeah, how’s it going, guys?

Dave Hibler 9:24
Great, just happy it’s Friday. Looking forward to the weekend can be some really hot weather. So get outside and enjoy the sun.

Cord Young 9:33
Yeah, I’m doing good. I’ve glad Friday and I’ve got a big wedding. My best buddy. Tomorrow, so I’m the best man in the wedding. I’ve never been a best man in any wedding before. So looking forward to that but it’s gonna be a good weekend. It’s gonna be nice.

Ryan Freng 9:48
Do you want to try your speech out on us?

Cord Young 9:50
No, no, no, no, no. Well, I got it all written down though. I was debating I’m like I do I try to you know, just go off the head to go off the top of the head and Go do it that way or write it down. And I thought I have a couple of drinks beforehand, you get a little nervous, like,

Unknown Speaker 10:06
yeah, at least.

Ryan Freng 10:09
At least bullet points.

John Shoemaker 10:09
Yeah, as long as I can remember to read, it should be good. Yeah. Otherwise you just end up up there just saying like, you’re a, you’re a real. You’re a good guy, guy. Yeah,

Ryan Freng 10:24
I’m thinking too, I’ve never been in weddings, but I’ve never been a best man. So I’m holding out that it’s still gonna happen in my old age. And what I want to do is just take all those, like, kinda like the five common phrases like, you may not know me, but I am, you know, do that and just flip it on its head and be like, you may not know me, and, you know, that sucks to be you. You know, just just try and take those things that everyone says and try and make it a little more interesting because I love weddings, and people just do different things or fun entertaining things. Already,

John Shoemaker 10:58
but I will get you in there. I

Dave Hibler 11:02
mean, when I was the best man at Tyler’s wedding, I just opened up with a penis joke. And that that seemed to go over pretty well. set the tone for what sort of speech we’re gonna get out of me.

Ryan Freng 11:13
Yeah. Did you have the parents coming up afterwards? Like, oh, that was real nice.

Dave Hibler 11:18
Oh, yeah. People kind of, oh, that’s the best best man speech I’ve ever heard. And I’ve heard a lot of them and who and then when, when I got married, Tyler was the best man at my wedding. And he returned the favor with a penis joke to start out his speech as well. So

Ryan Freng 11:35
yeah, so what’s your advice to chord here?

Dave Hibler 11:38
You start with? Absolutely.

Cord Young 11:42
Yeah. I’ll have to rewrite it then.

Ryan Freng 11:45
It’ll be fine. You still got time? Yeah. Plenty of nice. All right. Well, we shared our drinks, what do you

Dave Hibler 11:53
I’ve got, it’s called Onyx. I caught it. I went to Total Wine yesterday. And just every time I sit down and just relax when I have a beer, I always want to try something new. I have one of those apps. Are you familiar with untapped? That’s popular. So I’ve always logged in a new beer. I was trying something new. So I just went over to the new special Release section and perused a little bit and this is what I came up with. So it’s really tasty. It’s highly rated on on tap, so I figured I couldn’t go

Ryan Freng 12:25
wrong. Nice. What kind of beer Did you say it was?

Dave Hibler 12:29
I didn’t actually it’s a it’s a tart ale with blackberry black courage and elderberry. It’s almost 7%

Ryan Freng 12:35
Who you got to be careful with those berries. I hope it tastes good. Hope it doesn’t taste like medicine. It’s

Dave Hibler 12:40
I know I caught what you guys were saying. It actually tastes fantastic. It’s worth reading. I highly recommend it.

Ryan Freng 12:48
What is that called? Again? One Eye, Larry?

Dave Hibler 12:51
Yes. Onyx I?

Ryan Freng 12:54
Onyx. I? Yeah, that looks pretty rad. Yeah.

Dave Hibler 12:58
Pretty good. I usually judge books by their cover. So I think I did. Alright.

Ryan Freng 13:01
I mean, there’s there’s so much alcohol out there. You know, it’s hard to say like, well, this is especially wine to like, this gets a 91 This gets a 94 Like, this is eight bucks and a 94. And this is 30 bucks and a 91. And so when my wife and I buy wine, we’re just like what looks cool. If it doesn’t look cool. unless somebody’s recommended to us. We’re not getting it. Yep. 100% Yeah, that’s smart money. Alright, chord. What do you got?

Cord Young 13:30
Well, speaking of looking cool, and no berries in my beer, but I’m going by three Floyds one of my favorite breweries out of Indiana. So yeah, this is a good one. I love this beer. And they have awesome labels. They must have some an artist on their team or something because all their labels are super funky and crazy. And I love them. So

Ryan Freng 13:54
three Floyds is one of the ones that was kind of like some of the first craft beer that I’d had and really enjoyed it. And you know, having it be somewhat local is kind of fun, too.

Cord Young 14:04
Yeah, yep. For sure. I like a bunch of there’s Gumball heads another good one. And there’s another one I can’t think of the name of but yeah, love that.

Ryan Freng 14:13
Yeah, and feel free if you need if you do need to get out like I don’t know if you need to go grab water and like a half an hour or something or use the restroom. That’s totally cool. We can do that we are alive but we’re just chilling and hanging out. So no big that’s great.

Dave Hibler 14:24
Because during the mic checks and everything in the beginning, I’m already halfway through this. I’m gonna have to be grabbing another couple more. We’re gonna be going for over another hour.

Ryan Freng 14:34
Yeah, you thought I was weird with my for drinks here. But it turned out that it was just planning ahead. Yeah.

Dave Hibler 14:41
saying your first rodeo. No. So

Ryan Freng 14:44
for those who don’t know you guys are what you do. What the heck do you guys do? Sure. We

Dave Hibler 14:53
we do a lot of stuff over here. So Tyler, who you heard me mentioned he’s my original business partner from rubber lazy we started over a decade ago selling adult onesies adult one piece pajamas started out in my parents basement, you know, your typical startup story? Yeah, we just had mounds of pajamas, floor to ceiling. And he put up a website and tried to make the goal of it. And anyway, we’ve been doing that for for, like I said over a decade now, and then cord we took on as an intern actually, as a college intern for us. And then it went really well. And we were at a point where we did hire our first employee. So that was cord. And he’s been working with us ever since those last five years in court. I guess I’ll let you segue into Google Home.

Cord Young 15:43
Yeah, definitely. So like Dave mentioned, I started working with Dave and Tyler 2015. I want to say with my senior year in college, and then yeah, so we work in a working together from all the way back since 2015, forever lazy. And then recently, we’ve started who could help. So Heuga is just a brand selling alternative health products. And mainly focusing in red and near infrared light therapy devices. That’s the big one, and a non blue light emitting book lights, light bulbs, and other light products. But we’re always looking to expand and other things. So there’s not really a category that’s off limits in the health space for us for who we primarily sell our, our products on our website and on Amazon. So yeah, we stay busy for sure.

Ryan Freng 16:38
Yeah, so I know the answers to this. But are you guys really into health? You love this alternative health stuff? Or like, how did how did you guys go from Forever lazy, which let me see if I can throw this up real quick. And it’s amazing. Here we go. Adult onesies and footed pajamas. Which I love. Like I love that it says footed, like footed pajamas. Like that’s a thing people know about. Like, the official game.

Dave Hibler 17:13
So that’s yeah, that’s also when they’re just for search engine optimization purposes, because people know that. Some people know them as adult onesies. Other people know them as what do you PJs, so you kind of have to make sure you have all your bases covered so people can find you.

Ryan Freng 17:28
Yeah. And what what would we call them here? footies. Yeah, because we have children. Right? Yep. I’m not seeing not seeing you guys modeling any of you. Oh, there we go. There was there? Yeah, as I’m saying that I found you. So sexy time.

Cord Young 17:44
It was like, it’s funny you say that because Dave was just Dave and I on the whole page. And it was like, We got to start mixing it up a little bit. Because it’s just, it just doesn’t look right. So we started trying to work with some different models and get some some women in there. And

Ryan Freng 18:02
I know Tyler,

Dave Hibler 18:05
he refuses. So he leaves it up to the court to do the modeling. And admittedly, we were just being cheap for a very long time we didn’t want to go through it’s honestly and you guys know, it’s really a pain in the ass, like hiring talent and going through that whole process. Like, if you could just do it yourself, man, it just saves so many headaches and then coordinating with the photographer and makes you it’s just, if we could just step out in the warehouse and snap a few shots, we’re much better doing so. But you know, I’m aging now when I was 24 is a spry 24 year old wearing my adult wants him to the bars and meetings at the bank. And it was it was cute. And people smiled. And, you know, now that I’m 36 I think I would be looked upon a little differently. Like, you know, Hey, hide your children who’s just?

Ryan Freng 18:54
Yeah, well, there’s also that economy of scale to right where in the beginning, like, like you said, it’s out of your garage. So you’re doing everything and, you know, you have to in order to hope for profit and then, you know, once you get that machine going and get those mechanisms built, you know, then you can not not offshore, but delegate delegate more. You don’t have to do everything. Yeah. Love delegating love it. Yeah. What’s, uh, I know my question was like, Who gohealth But since we jumped on this topic, this will be fun. What’s your guys’s favorite onesies or footed pajamas to wear?

Dave Hibler 19:36
I got to think, you know, I just had to clear out my closet the other day because over the last decade plus of doing this every time we came out with a print that I’m like, Oh, I love that one. I gotta grab one for myself. I just went through my onesie class the other day and I had about two dozen onesies hanging in there and I got to start weaving some of these out. So I mean, I really liked the green camo. I really liked the American flag. Print. Big champion is always a crowd favorite. We got Tiger King that we released last year. If you guys watch that on Netflix, it does a good job last year, so I don’t know cordwood about you.

Cord Young 20:14
I mean, being a big bowl Hunter, I gotta go with the green camo. I’d say I mean, ever since we first met you guys, we’ve sold the camo since then I’ve wanted to try to shoot a buck with my bow from the tree stand wearing a green camo wearing the green camo onesie but haven’t done it yet. But still on the old bucket list.

Ryan Freng 20:37
That would be that’d be amazing. Especially since I’ve seen what is it? They’re like, sleeping bags that you can get right? Because it’s so effing cold sometimes when we’re out there. That’d be so amazing to have like the hunters onesie.

Cord Young 20:52
Yeah, I mean, keeps you warm. And you’re you’re blended into the tree. So why not?

Ryan Freng 20:59
First on,

John Shoemaker 21:00
imagine that sheds. Shed burrs very well, though. Good point. Oh, but not very well. Yeah. Oh, you just collect them. It adds to the atmosphere. You just look like a book with like bird.

Cord Young 21:13
Yeah, it’s like, I feel like

Ryan Freng 21:16
I feel like there’s something here though. Because John and I go hunting together. Opening weekend, and it’s been awesome. The past two years. He got me into hunting. So I feel like there’s something here we could we could put we could wear them. We could film it. We could be like, influencers that nobody follows for you guys.

Dave Hibler 21:37
Yeah, micro micro, micro micro influencer.

Ryan Freng 21:40
It’s super hipster. Yeah.

Dave Hibler 21:43
Well, it’s all about these days.

Cord Young 21:45
Yeah. Let’s make that happen this fall.

Ryan Freng 21:47
All right, I’m gonna happen every every time I make a promise on here, I write it down. Like last week, I talked to a guy who wants to get back into his fitness. So we’re like, we’re gonna do a triathlon together, your wife, me, and you, you know, we’re gonna get going. And we started making that happen this week, which is awesome. So that means awesome. We got a thing. Yeah. So go ahead, you’re like,

Dave Hibler 22:13
I give you a lot of credit. Because most people that’s just talk, I thought you were gonna say every time you make a promise on there, it’s forgotten by the end of the end of the show, because so many people do that. It’s just so normal. Like, oh, man, haven’t seen him so long. Like, oh, we gotta get together, grab a beer, the conversation is over with, it’s just on to the next thing on the life. So for you to actually be followed through all the promises and make it memorable?

Ryan Freng 22:36
Well, it’s also you know, there’s two things here one, this will be really, really funny and fun, you know, like, kind of a fun co lab. It could be just creative. But to I don’t know, I feel like it’s a really funny, like, long joke on any of these things. Like yeah, if I if I promised something on the show, I’m going to do it. I love it. First of all, like the person who doesn’t let go of the joke, and it just keeps going in a decade ago.

John Shoemaker 23:03
That’s why I just don’t make any promises.

Ryan Freng 23:09
Yeah, so forever lazy you. You started. Would you say 12 years ago? How many years ago?

Dave Hibler 23:18
You thought 2009? Yep. Fall 2019 2009. Nice.

Ryan Freng 23:22
Yeah, that’s like we started in fall of 2007, November 2007. Doing stuff out of our dorms, and then houses at that point. So what did that what did that look like for you guys? And like, what? Like, how did you get into this? Right? So because it seems like the people who go on Shark Tank. When I think of your story, it’s like you go on Shark Tank and you’re like, I you know, I’ve lived my life for so long, needing footie pajamas and they never had them for adults that had fun prints. And so I made them and then they blew up and now we need help with production. You know, it seems like that’s the story but like, you know, would you go to school for like what how did you get get their reserves? Are you selling them in your in your garage? Like what was the beginning?

Dave Hibler 24:16
You’ve never sold anything in my life? And I’d like to keep it that way. No, it’s definitely definitely had nothing to do with that. Basically, it was so Christmas 2008 I was sitting around with my cousin after Christmas dinner and a few beers. That’s where the best ideas are generated and like Man Yeah, remember those onesie wars kids, do they make anything like that for adults? And he got out of his you know, Blackberry I got on my version one iPhone you know 10 minutes later we had a internet page open and we were poking around for to see if anything like this existed and we found a few things out there and I ended up ordering one my cousin ordered one and Tyler ordered one but actually if found out. Only recently like Tyler’s been carrying a secret for over a decade now that he actually never ordered one. And he just told me that he found out how excited I was about it. He’s like, Oh, yeah, I got one, I got one. We never ordered one. But anyway, I started talking about all the things that can be improved upon and how, you know, the adult watches on the market were lacking, the pockets were too shallow, and there was no hood and the rear Dropseed didn’t work correctly, because it was Velcro, and it needed a better enclosure. So we started talking about, hey, we could make a better adult onesie. And at this point, there is only about a year out of college. I’ve been fired from my first corporate job. So I was just determined not to go back to corporate America. And we were just looking for something to make our own. And we always knew we were gonna start a business, it was just a matter of like, what’s that first idea? So it ended up being the adult onesie. And so we took it ran with it found a domestic manufacturer to produce a first trial run through it at the wall, see if it stopped. It did really well. We, anyway, that we just scaled it from there long story short, so yeah, it’s been quite quite the ride.

Ryan Freng 26:17
Yeah, what does that look like in 2009? You know, I feel like now it might be a little easier to source manufacturing, just with the internet and the connectedness of everything. But 12 years ago was was it as easy as looking up like, textile, you know, construction factories, or, you know, I don’t even know what what do you search for?

Dave Hibler 26:38
Yeah, Tyler had gotten on Google and just search for domestic clothing manufacturers. And we found a guy in San Francisco, his name is see more. 80 years old at the time garment industry veteran had been doing it for decades. And at this point in his career, his life, he was just mentoring new startup, clothing companies. So we got in touch with him and flew to San Francisco and met with him showed him some drawings about what we envision this perfect garment that we he tried talking us out of it telling us no, that’s terrible. It needs to be two pieces, not one. We said no, it needs to be an adult onesie. Let’s just roll with this and see if it works. So begrudgingly. You went with it. And then we created I think, what 600 ones use without first order 100 each of six different colors and sizes, to be shipped to my parents basement in Wisconsin. And it actually it wasn’t that hard. There are enough resources on the internet at that time to make it happen.

Ryan Freng 27:43
And do you have those like, are those classic still available on your website? Like do they have a classic tag?

Dave Hibler 27:53
I mean, they’re basically they don’t is the short answer, but are heavyweight ones. These are the same pattern that was developed 12 years ago, the fleece onesies, we ended up adding detachable feet, just because so many people started out non footed. Yeah, they started out non footed because we didn’t want to put in onesie because a shirt or food sweaters adult. So we did find though that enough, people did want a foot onesie just because that’s truly how the kids onesie was built and they wanted, they wanted that. So we ended up having a footed ended non footed version, which just was kind of a headache to manage. Because for every single style, you’ve got to put up version, a non printed version, if you sell out of one, you’ve got a ton of the other remaining and vice versa. Whereas by combining them into a product that has detachable feed, now you have that versatility and we don’t have to carry twice as many skews. So there’s been a little bit of a evolution of our adult onesie over the years, but it hasn’t about too much.

Ryan Freng 28:58
Yeah, that’s awesome. And chord with you. Did you meet these guys at a job fair? Or were you like, oh, man, this forever lazy stuff? I gotta get into this. I gotta get me a piece of this. Like, how did you how did you get connected?

Cord Young 29:15
So I was in some sort of entrepreneurship class, my senior year and in that there was an entrepreneur internship. And basically, you interviewed with a few local companies in the area who also had signed up, we’re looking for an intern. And I was lucky enough to interview with Dave and Tyler, I think my first one or maybe my second interview, but we hit it off. And so that was how I got paired up with these guys just basically by chance. And yeah, just working together. I mean, I really enjoyed seeing what they were doing and just learning from them. And I think they kind of noticed that, you know, that interested me as well and it was just it was a good fit. So So when the internship was over, I graduated and, and went and did a regular person corporate type job for six months or so. And I just, I just couldn’t stand it. It was terrible. So I hit up Dave and Tyler and asked if, you know, they were ready to hire anybody, and they were willing to take me on. So that’s, that’s kind of how it all began.

John Shoemaker 30:24
It’s interesting, you know, that’s really cool that there was an entrepreneurship intern program, because, like, entrepreneur as a, as a term like Ryan and I, I think people would call us that, or technically we are, because we started a business, but I don’t really think of it the same. Because to me, we were just like, we want to make films. So we’re just going to make our own business to make films versus the idea of like, kind of being like, open and agile and flexible to like, what what could we possibly sell, you know, what, what need is there out in the market? And let’s just fill that, you know, kind of, on a segwaying into your, you know, you have this whole other line of products that are just like, like you didn’t get into it necessarily, because you were like, I’ve always been passionate about footie pajamas. Yeah, I want to have a business. And we want to find a product that people would be interested in that, you know, there was a hole in the market. And let’s fill those and that’s fine. You know, so that’s like, a different thing.

Cord Young 31:38
Like, yeah, yeah, definitely. And, yeah, I think I just wanted to, I didn’t really know, I think like a lot of college kids, you know, you don’t know exactly what you want to do. But, you know, the idea of not just working for somebody, or work being a part of a huge corporation, I think that was appealing to me. And so, and then working with Dave and Tyler, I mean, it’s, it was a very small operation. It’s just two guys. And I was the third guy. And that was appealing to me, especially as I got into it, and then just experienced that. I really liked that. Definitely when I was an intern, but then after I was in the corporate world, and I got to come back, then work full time with Dave and Tyler. I mean, I can appreciate it so much more. So yeah, I just, it wasn’t necessarily like, Oh, I was I needed in the onesie business. No, but I just, I like the flexibility and just the opportunity that, you know, being presents, I would say,

Ryan Freng 32:34
yeah, so I mean to that, to that point, like, you know, we love film, we want to make movies, we try to do that. And the small projects that we do, or the big commercials, you know, we try to make them cinematic and do really cool things. So that’s kind of like the, I don’t know, entertainment, hobby, fun, all that stuff. Also, I’m kind of at a point to where and maybe I just have this bug in a similar way that entrepreneurial bug and like, you know, what else? What other kind of streams can I get going? You know, and I I’ve friends doing other things like one friend doing a cannabis and CBD business right now and just figuring that out. And I was like, you know, I don’t do anything with them. Rob, John, he’ll actually be on in a couple of weeks. But I was like, I don’t know, if you’re doing a business over here. Like, I’d love to help out and like, be the director of marketing. Like, I’d love to just be the person who creates all the crazy shit that could make you stand out. You know, it’s kind of similar to what I’m doing now. But that’s just in a different area, in a business in another business that is in a different industry. I would even I would even get into other things. I think right now it’s all that you know, how much time do you have? And for like us or you know, John, you can speak for yourself, like, just so much of my time and energy goes into the business that when I have other time, it’s like alright, well that’s family, you know, or you know me time, right? But as you get older you want to you want those other things such that you can maybe retire at some point to if some of your kids want to go to college, put them through college so I think you know, I have that entrepreneurial bug as well I don’t want to I don’t want to build a business and sell it and build it and sell it. We know an entrepreneur, an entrepreneur who’s like that and I know very some very successful people who like to do that. I want to like build something and like work in it and then build something and work in it you know

John Shoemaker 34:49
well yeah, I think there’s I’ll let you get I’m interested to hear your your take on it. You know the angle and kind of what interests you guys like how, how you got on this path, but It, it, I perceive the difference to be that like, What’s your main interest? You know, so my main interest has been filmmaking and marketing kind of went along with that. But if your main interest is business, then you know, the entrepreneur side of tackling it that way, like, what’s interesting and fun for you, is seeing the way that you construct a business, build out the pieces, get the thing functioning, and then you move on to the next one, I build out a story, we shoot the thing, we bring it into, you know, we recreate it, you know, bring it into being, and then send it off and move on to the next story. The next, you know, film, I’m not moving on to the next business, because we built the business to serve the I mean, for me, I built the business to serve the filmmaking, you know, I was interested in that, versus like, building the fill in the blank to serve the business interest, you know, like, so? How do you guys look at it, you know, is that? Is any of that resonating? I mean, I don’t really have a solid.

Ryan Freng 36:18
Well, I think maybe a question away, I could phrase it as like, what do you love about what you do? You know,

Dave Hibler 36:28
I love personally that things are different just about every day, which it sounds like, that’s what I’m hearing with you guys. As well, as you work on one project, which is kind of like working on a business, I see where John was going with that. And then when that wraps up, you’re on to the next one. It’s a whole new set of challenges. And I think that’s what I really enjoy by doing what we’re doing is, things are so different. You know, we’re always looking for new products to launch, we’re always exploring new opportunities, and nothing is off the table with us. So we’re just, we’re constantly looking for the next thing, while still giving enough attention to what we’re currently working on. Sometimes that’s a challenge because we get them get so excited about something new, we got to make sure we don’t drop any important piece that we have now. So I don’t know, what do you say cord?

Cord Young 37:22
Yeah, I mean, there’s a lot to that question. I feel like but, you know, one thing that I like with Heuga is being alternative health products. And typically products that are used to help people feel better is you know, it’s it’s rewarding hearing from our customers every day. And we obviously do the customer service and everything. So we hear from customers on a daily basis, and they, our products really helped them, you know, it makes them feel better. And it improves their daily lives. So, I mean, that’s nice. And if we can, if we can earn a living and challenge ourselves and have flexibility and freedom in our lives, by doing so, you know, I think that’s pretty for me that’s rewarding. It’s kind of it’s kind of killing two birds with one stone. And even with forever lazy, I mean, it was always it’s always been like that with forever lazy too. I mean, people it’s kind of a lighter topic and sillier topic, but people love the onesies, you know, and they, they use them for Christmas photos, and they’re, you know, important family memories. And, yeah, it’s just people love them. So it’s fun to sell things that provide value to people, and that people enjoy. And if, like I said, if we can earn a living by doing that, and and not be like, you know, in a corporation kind of feeling like we’re just a number. Great, you know? So that’s, I’m kind of summarize it that way as it’s providing value for people is enjoyable for me.

John Shoemaker 38:50
I was learning about the Oh, sorry. Yeah, I’m just gonna

Dave Hibler 38:54
say quarter really nailed that answer. So I just want to say

John Shoemaker 38:59
I was thinking about the, you know, now, even though I kind of said, here’s this distinction, and here’s, you know, the way that I think about it different than that. There is the side of it, though, where, you know, and Ryan and I, obviously we you know, have our own personalities and our own, you know, ways of tackling things. I think, I don’t often feel like looking for other things to do because the entrepreneurship actually comes in where we’re working on a project for some other company in like, the healthcare sector, and suddenly I need to like learn a lot about that sector and figure out how to sell their product. Yes, it’s from a marketing side. I’m not building the business. But there is a lot of stuff that I mean, there are business discussions that come up, you know, we’re marketing something And we’re like, okay, but you’ve got the product, and it’s priced this way, like, you know, how should we talk about that? Is that? You know, do you have different ways, like different offerings you can make? Can you like sell this for less? It’s all I’m coming at it from a marketing side, but it’s kind of like, related, very related to the business. And then when we have a new product come up over here and another industry, you know, like, alternative health, you know, red light therapy, for example. It’s like, okay, how do we, how do we get into that, you know, industry? And how do you speak to people there? And what are they, you know, what do those customers care about? So, we’re moving through a lot of different spaces. It’s all like, marketing, but like, the businesses that we end up involved in, are all over the place. It’s, you know, varied, for sure. So, I think, when I come home in the evening, I’m just like, I think I need to go outside and dig in the dirt in my garden, or like, ah, like boards in half or something, you know, like, I just, I’m not looking for other thing. Well, that’s,

Ryan Freng 41:17
that’s, that’s a really good point. And maybe we can get into this to like, your guys’s hobbies, like, what are your hobbies? Because I feel like filmmaking is my hobby, too. Or creative or technology or, you know, a lot of the things that I actually do for a job. And so, yeah, when I come home, I do want to do something different. And for me, I’m always encouraged by you, John, I’m like, Oh, I better get up and do some work. Because John’s doing a lot of this, you know, work at home projects, right? Like, we’re redoing our kitchen now. But I was like, Monica and my wife, I was like, You’re in charge, just telling me I’ll just lift and move things. I can’t think you know, I don’t have the mental energy. But for me, that, you know, when I come home, I don’t necessarily want to dig, although I’m happy to help as my wife tells me to, I want to build something or make something better. Like, that’s, that’s like a perspective that I have. And I think something is really fun to me. When somebody’s like, oh, yeah, here’s a challenge I have. I immediately am like, oh, how can we make this work or make this better? And I think that’s where my entrepreneurial mindset. Thank you, Maggie. comes in here you can come with this is my little helper. I called her while you were talking so she could come get a water. I love it there. Alright, Thanks, Maggie. Where were Yeah, you know, obviously, in film, somebody comes and says, Hey, I need to advertise my product. And we need it to be 30 seconds. And we needed to do this. And here’s the market. And there’s a huge problem solving opportunity there. But then, yeah, when I get home, it’s like, I want to work on something like that in another area. So there’s a question here. What do you guys do for fun? Or like, what are your hobbies? You know, is it the same Are you like, so, Dave’s you’re not sewing? But what are you doing? You know what you need to relax?

Dave Hibler 43:21
You know, it’s, it’s tough right now. We’ve got a 19 month old at home. It’s our first and I mean, I know you guys, so like, a whole soccer team with kids, each of you. So I know. So we’re just we’re just starting out with this. But when 00

Ryan Freng 43:37
to one is hard. Yeah. Two to three is hard. And then everything else after that is easy.

Dave Hibler 43:46
That’s what I hear. So I’m waiting for that. But still trying to enjoy the time and time we have now. But you know, to answer your question when I get home, yeah, my wife, she’s a stay at home mom. So when I get home, I usually have to relieve her a little bit because she’s kind of burnt out from the day and so I take over I play with our daughter for a little while then it’s dinnertime, then, you know, maybe we’ll go for family walk then it’s bath time bedtime routine, all that by the time that’s all done and over with. It’s probably 830 And so now as exhausted as I am like, I don’t want to just go to bed because I didn’t have any time for myself today. You know, so yeah, so there’s really not a whole lot of time right now for hobbies like taking a class at night or you know, joining a bowling league or whatever it’s, it’s usually just enjoy reading. Enjoy reading a lot. So I usually have about four different books going at a time. And then it just depends which one I’m in the mood for that night Am I in the mood for a little more intellectual reading or am I in the mood for just kind of screwed off and reading some some fiction? So that’s really right now at this phase of life I mean, that’s that’s all the time I really have for hobbies being a parent really Yeah, good.

Ryan Freng 45:01
Yeah. What are you reading?

Dave Hibler 45:04
So I really like Robert Greene, he has a lot of books like The 48 Laws of Power, the artists seduction. It’s not our seduction as far as like, it’s a it’s a pickup book or something. It’s, it’s actually talks about different people’s personality types and how different sorts of things seduce people differently like, like, you know, compliments versus actions. So there’s a book The Five Love Languages, it’s similar to anyways, it’s more of like, a human nature books. So his current book that I’m reading is the laws of human nature. And it’s really fascinating. Another one I’m reading is the Body Electric. It’s just talking about electrical impulses throughout the body and how it’s used for, like regenerating limbs and so forth. And that’s a little bit more technical, but doping fascinating. I don’t know. And then usually I’ll read like a business book or something for just like human growth and development. Something about habits like a book of good habits or a book on breathwork I read a book recently on Wim Hof talking about Wim Hof Method on if you’re familiar with him

Ryan Freng 46:16
is the Icelandic or Norwegian or he’s the guy. Yeah, the Iceman. Yeah.

Dave Hibler 46:22
Yeah. So he does the cold exposure, cold showers. breathwork. So that’s fascinating. So I don’t know, I switched it up. Usually I stick to nonfiction because my personality type, I just always need to be learning something. And sometimes to my detriment, I feel like if I’m just screwed off, and just watching something mindless, I could instead be productive and learn something. That’s just a quirk.

Ryan Freng 46:47
Yeah, that’s funny. I’ve read like, fiction for the longest time, and I still read fiction. But like, over the last two years, I found myself reading so much nonfiction, you know, mixing it in, and certainly for me, like, being in filmmaking fiction, I feel like it’s an opportunity for us to tell great truths about the world without being explicit. You know, like The Walking Dead that show like, it’s not about the zombies, it’s about how do we behave in the zombie apocalypse? You know, The Walking Dead is actually the people, right?

John Shoemaker 47:22
I think if you’re, I think if you’re selective about the authors that you choose, in fiction, you can still get good. You know, and then not be like, Okay, I’m just kind of like, we’re on his, there’s, you know, even though unless unless you’re reading Twilight, right? Well, that’s to be selective about it. Like, if you’re reading from the greats, like, there’s, there’s still going to be some good wisdom there. There’s going to be one liners that actually apply to like business life and things like

Dave Hibler 47:58
that, for sure. 100%

Ryan Freng 48:00
of the day, threads. And now that I’m reading like nonfiction, I just read this Checklist Manifesto, by when I wrote it down, Atul Gawande, who’s like a surgeon, and he talks about how checklist revolutionized surgery across the world. And then I’m gonna read his next book, or like a previous book, which is called complications, which is about complications in surgery. And I’m finding myself like, in my old age, like, yeah, I don’t just want to read, you know, kind of whatever could be candy or entertaining. Like, it’s so fulfilling, it seems like a meat even though it has nothing, necessarily on the surface to do with what I’m doing. But then you do read that to kind of like, what John and I were saying about the fiction, you read the nonfiction, you know, I’m gonna read this about surgery and complications. And I know, I’m gonna get some takeaways, you know, I know I’m gonna get some really solid things. And I’m loving it, because I haven’t really read nonfiction. Too much, you know, here and there once one ever, you know, one book every couple of years. But now, like, I have about four or five, I’ve got two on my desk and another one on the way and then I’m getting my wife to give me some of the ones that that she’s read that have nothing to do with what I do, but are just good books. Because, yeah, just learning is, so it feeds us, you know?

John Shoemaker 49:28
Well, just for clarification, Dave, there’s a reason that I pointed to yard lights at my garden. It’s because it’s about 839 o’clock by the time I can actually go out there and kind of poke around for a little bit so

Dave Hibler 49:45
I can relate when I hear you.

John Shoemaker 49:48
But yeah.

Ryan Freng 49:50
All right, cord. What do you what do you got? What do you do for fun or hobbies?

Cord Young 49:57
Well, no kids for me I’m recently married within the last year. So

Ryan Freng 50:04
what’s that? I said, Congratulations.

Cord Young 50:07
Oh, thanks. Yeah. So hanging out my wife, we’re pretty close with with her family. So go up north hang out with them a lot. They got a cabin up in Lakewood. So we’re hanging out there a lot, get a little dog at home. So I love playing with him. And just kind of relax and you know, going out and grabbing a beer when we can. Outside of that. I mean, my main hobby, like I mentioned before, is bow hunting, which keeps you busy, surprisingly, throughout more of the year than you’d think just the hunting season just with scouting and trail cameras and shed hunting and property improvements. And the list goes on and on. So that’d be my one main hobby. And I love to read to and like Dave, typically nonfiction, but listening to Ryan there makes me think I should get into a little more fiction. I try to keep one book blowing at a time on like, babies. I can’t keep four straight in my head. So usually reading reading the book at all times. And yeah, just kind of hanging out outside of work. That’s, that’s it for me.

Ryan Freng 51:08
I’ll give a little plug there for Orson Scott Card who writes just a ton of stuff. He’s kind of like non genre, even though he’ll be in like sci fi or whatever. Because he he’s been writing since you know, the 70s when there weren’t genres. So it defies genre. It’s a little sci fi. It’s a little fantasy. It’s whatever. Thriller, but, you know, it’s like, most of his books, most of his major books are like, what is it to be human? Or what is it to be a person? And what does that mean when we’re in relationship? And so that’s, you know, that’s that fascinating exploration, because it’s more of a philosophical kind of exercise.

Cord Young 51:51
Yeah, that sounds awesome. What’s the guy’s name again?

Ryan Freng 51:56
Orson Scott Card, here we go.

John Shoemaker 51:58
So you would reckon you would recognize some of the titles, you know, Ender’s Game? Yeah. Well, there’s,

Cord Young 52:07
okay. Gotcha.

Ryan Freng 52:09
That’s probably the only one you’d recognize. Dave, one

John Shoemaker 52:12
that you might like, if you like, nonfiction, I’ve been reading, and I, I’m like, I’m a feast and famine, you know, like, I, I, like, will set things down for like, a long time and forget about them. And then I’ll come back to it and be like, Oh, that’s right. I was like reading this. And it was good. And then I’ll be into it, you know, every night for a span. But I’ve been reading Scott Adams, How to Fail at Almost everything and still win big. So Scott Adams was the author of the Dilbert comics. And I think you guys, I think you, you would really get a kick out of him, because he has, I forget how many it’s insane. There’s like, 40 different, like jobs, or something that he tried and failed, that are just, you know, like, it’s a really, really interesting like, story about, it’s kind of that fail fast mentality, that fail fast idea, but like, just, you know, he’s always just pushing and learning more about business and stuff. And then it’s been interesting to kind of, like, read that in the, in light of, or in the context of like, the Dilbert comics to be like, Oh, that’s why he knows so much about business is like, he’s been through all these different businesses and kind of seeing the goofiness of like corporate culture, and, you know, things like that. So,

Dave Hibler 53:46
yeah, that’s really interesting. That definitely sounds like something it’d be right up my alley. So appreciate the recommendation. Yeah, that sounds good.

John Shoemaker 53:54
I’m a big, you know, movie and TV show, watcher. So I always kind of feel bad because I’m like, I know. I know, I should read more. But there’s so many good stories, you know, my wife and I, my wife loves reading. And we’ve had debate, you know, you know, she’s like, well, you know, reading is better, you know, just like, objectively and I’m like, Well, yeah, I guess, you know, like, it engages a different part of your mind. But like, if we’re just talking about like, Goofy, you know, fiction, entertainment value fiction books, like, how is that different than, you know, watching a movie watching your show? And then, you know, I’ve also like, she’ll, you know, we’ll have this debate about Well, the book is better than the movie. I’m like, You’re you’re probably not wrong, but a movie, if I want to, if we’re talking about Assuming stories, if I didn’t, what’s that general store that story? The movie takes an hour. Watch. The book takes eight hours to read, like, just time of day is like, again, a valuable commodity and you’re just, you know?

Dave Hibler 55:21
Yeah, definitely. And I’m a slow reader. So probably be like 60 hours instead of, you know, eight hours. So, yeah, I hear you on that. But there’s a lot that you can learn from film as well. Definitely. Kinda like, Nick Ryan was saying earlier that there’s things you can learn from fiction and there’s a lot of lessons like you know, I know what have you seen Handmaid’s Tale? It’s only on Hulu. Yeah, that’s really interesting. You know, it kind of makes you wonder, you know, it’s this crazy dystopian society and you wonder like, oh, all these people are such idiots. How did how did you let it get to that point? Yeah, I didn’t look at where we are today. And you kind of like it as effed up a lot of things are and it’s like, you know, it’s just kind of like, what is it? What is the analogy like cooking a frog alive where if you gradually increased temperature one degree at a time, all of a sudden he’s cooked and he didn’t even see it coming? Like that’s, that’s a lot of what Handmaid’s Tale is about. So by watching Handmaid’s Tale, that’s one that actually makes me stop and think and like, reflect upon where we are as a society, you know? Yeah, I won’t, I won’t name

John Shoemaker 56:30
drop any, any countries, because you might have suppliers there. But I think everybody kind of, you know, sometimes has this thought about like, Well, how do these countries end up with like communist regimes or, you know, very oppressive regimes? And I think the thing we don’t think about much is that I don’t think they chose that. I don’t think they like have the idea like, oh, this would be better for us to have no rights. It was just a slow progression in that direction. Until suddenly, like you said, you’re, you know, boiling a frog and slowly turning up the temperature on the frog. And then suddenly, you’re like, Oh, crap, and boiling. Yeah.

Ryan Freng 57:18
It’s such a fascinating thing to who nice. Be around, go for it. It’s such a fascinating thing too, because like The Handmaid’s Tale, I’ve only admittedly seen one episode, but they keep advertising it. And I’m like, on it looks so good. I want to see the rest of it. I watched the first episode with my wife. And she was like, Oh, this is horrible. I can’t like emotionally like, I can’t handle it. Because that episode, you know, it was where like, the wife lets her husband or like, watches her husband be with another woman because, you know, whatever, the society and stuff. And she’s just like, my wife is very empathetic. She’s like, Oh, my gosh, motional I can’t do this. I think we’ll eventually be able to get back to it and get over it. But well, my main point of you know, I’m very curious of like, because now it looks like almost post apocalyptic in a normal sense. Not like in this weird fantasy sense. So it looks like they’re running around the streets or something. Again, I don’t know where they are. But I’m curious to see how they, you know, how they said they got there because like, that’s been the fight over the last year and some change, right? Like the COVID fight of like, well, if you tell us to do this, and you tell us to do this, you tell us to do this, like, where’s that going to lead? And certainly, there’s a slippery slope counter argument. But that’s a valid question. That’s absolutely a valid question to ask. And the wonderful thing is, like, as soon as the Dane County mandate here was up, like, all the signs got torn down, like I’ve been at Target and HyVee and all this and like, there’s no signs there. Right. You know, so I think, at least in our area, in general people, people are good and smart. And you know, it wasn’t as bad as some other areas that well certainly seen on the news.

John Shoemaker 59:17
How was how was business for you know, a lot of businesses kind of through the through the last year had a lot of things that they had to adjust had a lot of things to figure out I mean, supply chain, I kept hearing about that. I don’t know if you guys have staff that you know, enough staff to be affected by the kind of work from home lockdown, but what what were things like?

Dave Hibler 59:42
Last year was awesome. Last year during the pandemic was phenomenal. best year ever for all businesses, tremendous, you know, people that normally go to gyms or clinics for red light therapy. They were buying red light therapy devices from was to do at home, people that were normally dressing up in their corporate attire to go into the office every day. They were working from home, and they were doing it in their pajamas. So phenomenal for forever lazy. I mean, sales were up, everything was phenomenal. Last year, on all accounts, we were super fortunate to be in the lines of business that we’re in this year, is when it’s starting to hit us shipping costs. For example, it costs us on average, and in a normal year, it costs us about 6000 to $6,500, to bring a big old shipping container in from our suppliers. Currently, within the last month, the only bookings that are being allowed are premium bookings to the tune of about $17,000. So it’s, it’s, it’s ridiculous. So I mean, it’s really hurting us right now. Because on some products of ours, there’s not a whole lot of margin there. So when you’re spending double or triple, and they don’t see the situation improving anytime soon, the only people that can get bookings currently, are people that are willing to pay for diamond or premium service, which is $17,000. Well, when you’re used to paying six to $7,000. And then not only that, but when Trump put in those punitive tariffs against China last year, two years ago, whatever it was, you know, that doubled our effective duties, tariffs, taxes rate, it came back 50%. But it’s still we’re still paying increased tariffs. And now we’re paying double the triple for shipping. Right now. We’ve had a lot of conversations, as recently as this morning about, do we hold these containers back and try shipping at the end of the summer, hoping that things will get better? But then there’s other people saying, well, hey, things are just ramping up. Because at the end of the summer, that’s when everybody starts bringing in all their goods for the fall winter holiday selling season. So it’s literally a gamble right now, do we pay those exorbitant rates and bring it in? Now? You’re thinking that you’re hoping that it doesn’t? Your if it gets worse? You know, at the end of the summer, we’ll be paying maybe what is it going to be $25,000? A container four times what we normally pay? You know, so. So that’s kind of where we’re at.

Ryan Freng 1:02:21
Why is why shipping more expensive? Because it seems like, you know, we always say supply chain, but it makes sense, when China or India is closed down, and people can’t get to work and can produce things. Now, it seems like it would be I don’t know more normal. But it sounds like is there more demand? Or why exactly is shipping more expensive?

Dave Hibler 1:02:45
Lots of things. So there’s definitely more demand right now, you know, a lot of a lot of people that used to spend their disposable income on vacations and just activities, leisure activities, they have that money, but there’s been no leisure activities due to COVID. There’s look at all the travel restriction. And now certain countries are starting vaccine passport initiatives. And there’s a lot of people that refuse to go along with that. So they’re not taking their European vacation this year. So they got that 10 grand, they’re going to stick into a peloton bike or, or whatever else. So there’s been a lot more consumption. So that’s part of it. The other part of it is a lot of factories shut down for COVID. And so then when they opened back up, there was still all that demand that they had to catch up with that they’re still trying to catch up with. So there’s there’s a lot of factors right now they’re influencing. And also, there’s a big trade deficit, a lot of these containers normally shipped back to China, for example, full of full of American goods. Well, there’s a huge trade imbalance right now. So a lot of these containers are shipping back empty. And then they’re, you know, then they’re being refilled over in China. So there’s there’s just a whole host of things that are just hitting all at once and, and nobody knows when it’s going to end. And then also too, there’s been a lot of ports for shutdown. We’ve had containers stuck in the Port of LA, our last two containers, each sat in Los Angeles at the port for two months of peace, before it could even get space on a train to make its way to us in the Midwest, because a lot of Port workers were off work because of COVID outbreaks. Currently, there is a COVID outbreak in a court in southern China that some of our stuff comes out over electronics. And our supplier this morning told us that that port certain ships are told to just stay at sea for a 14 day quarantine before they can dock and start loading up goods to bring back to the States. So a lot of stuff is being delayed that way. I mean, you’re really getting hit from every single possible angle on this.

Ryan Freng 1:04:52
Is there like a I don’t know you you had mentioned before you started off domestic and then as you’ve grown on outsourcing, it sounds like as what’s happening, is there an opportunity to bring that back, you know, especially these exorbitant shipping rates are?

Dave Hibler 1:05:09
No, it’s not practical. And you know, people ask us about this all the time. And I understand, you know, it’s it’s a naive question when people ask you, but I don’t expect them to understand it is why they asked him because they’re not as ingrained and immersed in it as we are. So our first supplier see more than I mentioned, for the pajamas. He was the first one to tell us over a decade ago, if you guys hit it big, you need to move your production overseas. He said, the garment industry has moved overseas a long time ago. It used to cost us when we had Seymour producing this pajamas. Guess Guess how much it cost to make one pair of pajamas and have it delivered to us in Milwaukee?

Ryan Freng 1:05:50
What was the price back then? Of the pajamas? Well, like we were trying,

Dave Hibler 1:05:57
yeah, that’d be between 50 and 70.

Ryan Freng 1:06:02
If we’re saying 60, I don’t know I’m gonna guess high just because it was it was the first iteration 30 bucks.

Dave Hibler 1:06:11
Yeah, you gotta go even higher, it was about $35, to have a pair of pajamas produced in San Francisco. And let me tell you, when they were producing them in San Francisco, you know, where the fabric was coming from China, or the zippers Canada, China, or the draw cords came from China, you know, the workers that were sewing them Chinese Americans. So basically. So basically, we were paying all these intermediaries up charges. And then we were paying exorbitant standard of living wages in San Francisco, everyone produced everything that was being produced with came from overseas. So just by moving that portion of our business overseas to be where all of the supply happens, all the creation happens. It dropped the price down dramatically to less than $10. So now we can stay in business. Because Tyler and I at that point, had we had to keep up paying those prices, we’d be out of business, there’s no money left to pay, pay for a warehouse pay for, you know, all the other things that we have to pay for and still have anything left over to pay ourselves, we would have been the first two people out of work. But by moving just the production overseas, now, we employ local embroideries, local shipping companies, FedEx UPS post office, we imply, you know, we send money to Uline for packaging supplies, we can hire warehouse workers. So we have been able to generate a whole lot more work for America, just by having our production overseas. But having everything else take place here. So then when you move when you move to Heuga, and you want to talk about electronics, where electronics mean, look at your laptop, or look at your computers right now look at your cameras that made in America, because you know what all the tool and dye and everything is taking place overseas. So for the same reason, we move pajama production over there, all the other production has to be there, because you’re right there at the source. If you were to produce a red light therapy panel here, you’d be paying, you’d be buying light your your bulbs here, but you know what those bulbs are made in China. And then they’re marked up two or three times before you buy them here for your for your goods. So all you’d be accomplishing is you’d be still buying all your components that were made overseas, and then you would be paying just American workers to to put it together. And then the price you would have to charge for that would be so high that most people can’t afford it. You know, our big our big selling point with Heuga, as you guys know, because you put the video together affordable and effective red light therapy, we want to be the red light therapy and only really therapy, we want to be the alternative health company, or just the average person, the average person can’t afford a $500 red light therapy device. But you know what, for 150 bucks, maybe they can swing it. And you know what, by doing that, maybe they can get rid of their greatest pain in their knees. And maybe they can heal their heart and liver and kidneys and lungs and skin problems and heal their eczema and heal their psoriasis, all these things I’ve heard from customers that are buying our products because we’re able to give them at an affordable price. So that’s a long answer. But yeah,

John Shoemaker 1:09:15
it’s super interesting thing to hear. Because I don’t know that I’ve ever heard it. The idea. The idea that something’s made in America doesn’t necessarily mean that the materials came from here. You know, that, that like to get that stamp of approval or whatever it is get that stamp of like Made in America is like assembled somewhere around here from parts that came from other countries anyway, like, you kind of have to, you kind of have to dig down to like, well, where’s the raw material coming from? And then that kind of dictates like, well what things could really be from here. No, like, if you’re buying, like, local beef from a farmer down the road, like that’s, that’s really helpful, you know, for the local economy but like, yeah, that’s, that’s really

Ryan Freng 1:10:12
interesting. Well, that’s also like globalization of like, okay, you bought local beef from down the road, but your grill was made in India, or, you know, Taiwan or the parts were made over there, you know, and, and you assembled it right?

Dave Hibler 1:10:27
Well, and you know, the same people that, that get on us when they find out oh, we’re, you know, some people ask, where are your products manufactured? You don’t? They’re manufactured in China. Like, oh, well, I can’t support your business. Okay, do you have a TV? Do you have a computer? And do you have anything? You have anything that wasn’t made? Here? You have any? Oh, you got a really good deal on your T shirts at Walmart? Because they’re five bucks apiece, and you were thrilled. So you stocked up? How come they’re five bucks a piece? Probably because they weren’t made in America? You know, so stop being a hypocrite. You know, it’s just, it’s the truth. It’s the truth, this situation, it is globalization. You know, our skills are just not in manufacturing anymore.

Ryan Freng 1:11:09
Well, and it’s a populist thing, right. And, you know, we had, we had a woman who worked with us, legally, she didn’t work with us, she volunteered, but she was awesome. She was from India, her husband was over here. And she couldn’t work until his visa became a certain level or whatever. But she had so much production experience, she was just like, teaching us an awesome things is amazing. But we asked her about, like outsourcing. Here we go and pull him off for a second, we asked her about outsourcing things. And she’s like, Don’t Don’t feel bad like that, you know, my cousin is doing this. He’s working in a telephone center. And he’s making four bucks an hour, or whatever it is. But he’s like, the alternative is he makes $2 an hour doing something really, really hard. And she’s like, it’s different, you know, you’re not, in most cases, hopefully, not taking advantage of people, but providing a greater opportunity than they would be able to see normally without this type of industry. And so, you know, I like to think and buy stuff local, from local artists and whatever. But I also love globalization, like this microphone, these headphones, the TV, like, none of this would be possible without the magnet manufacturing prowess and kind of systems that are set up. And certainly, we don’t want anyone to be taken advantage of. We didn’t want people hurt. But, you know, you consider that at the end of the day that there is hopefully greater opportunity for people in these jobs than they would normally have otherwise. Yeah, well,

John Shoemaker 1:12:53
it’s a cost of living thing, too. She was she was always kind of sharing with us that like, you know, you don’t need to feel bad about outsourcing, you know, like you sent around that work to India, because, like, they’re super excited to like land this job that pays what we feel just because of our cost of living is like, you know, a couple bucks an hour, it’s like, oh, my gosh, we’re taking advantage of them. And she’s like, well, without that, like, there’s, there’s nothing, there’s no opportunity, or it’s like zero, and like making a few dollars an hour means that he can afford like a house and like, you know, to shop at the good grocery store and like, some more like middle class family and like, holy cow. It’s just like mind blowing for us. But it’s, it’s kind of like, you could compare it to like, American market, you know, like, my, you know, current income couldn’t really support us that well in San Francisco, you know, go back to that example. Like,

Cord Young 1:13:58
it’s all about them is different.

Ryan Freng 1:14:00
Right? Yeah. So let’s, let’s get corded on this discussion, too. We had in the graphic. Here, I can pull it up. And I don’t know if this is accurate or not. Because you came in as an intern with Tyler and Dave. This is founders of who gohealth Are you? Are you a founder? Are you a partner? Did you did you claw your way up? Did they give you a piece of that pie? Like?

Cord Young 1:14:23
Yep, yeah, we’re I’m a founder and hoga we’re all co owners. So yeah, for forever, Louisiana. I’m an employee. And owner.

Ryan Freng 1:14:35
Yeah, what? What was that? Like? Did you Did you just tell them like, hey, I want to be a part of this, but I want to own it, or did you come up with the idea and present it to them? And like, what was that like?

Cord Young 1:14:46
Um, you know, we all we just, we were working together on Heuga all equally and it was a new project that was totally separate from Forever lazy other than the fact that we you know, We did the work physically at the same warehouses who guys so are as at Forever lazy. So yeah, it was just something we worked out. But we, we started it all together, we were all here from the beginning for who got whereas I jumped in as an employee, they they started forever lazy on their own, you know, I wasn’t a part of that in any way shape or form. I came into it however many years into it, probably what, six years in or something like that. So. So yeah, it just we just kind of worked. It’s it worked itself out since we had started it together.

Ryan Freng 1:15:34
Yeah, we like to joke our third partner, Scott. I like to joke I like to say this, he had a not so hostile takeover, because he’s now an equal partner with us. But for us, you know, he kind of came to us with a huge, you know, experience in the business world, and a desire to be a part of something bigger and own something. And from the beginning, he communicated that and little by little, he got a little more a little more and then eventually he became a equal partner. So there’s the three of us, John and I founded but now he’s an equal partner as well. And you know, we’d like to look at it kind of like that sweat equity and all that stuff. Like he put that in and you know, we absolutely feel he deserves where he’s at. But I like to joke that he had a not so hostile takeover or a hostile takeover of our business but

Cord Young 1:16:27
we’re better for it. Yeah, and I think that’s that’s a perfect way to put it as it’s sweat equity. You know, we were all three we all three started yoga and it was just purely sweat equity. So yeah, just worked out.

Ryan Freng 1:16:42
Yeah, man. What do you like love this alternative health stuff? Like I know you mentioned your your customers say such good things about it, but like, it seems like a bit of a jump away from Forever lazy to get into alternative health.

Cord Young 1:16:59
Yeah, definitely. You know, for whatever reason, you know, Dave and I particularly have a pretty big interest just in an alternative health. biohacking, you know, always lifted weights and always just trying to feel our best and just perform optimally and stuff like that. And I think we even talked about this a little bit with you guys, when we were working on the video, but yeah, we just, we really enjoy that stuff, listen to a lot of podcasts read a lot of books. And so we just have a natural interest in that, that area. And so it was kind of natural to start looking for opportunities business wise within within the health space. And that initially came with with weighted blankets and then non blue light emitting book lights and the red light therapy devices. So yeah, just kind of something we were Dave and I and particularly were really interested in and kind of led us down that path.

Ryan Freng 1:17:55
How did you get into the the weighted blankets in the red light and you’re like we gotta sell this this is amazing are why those things versus anything else?

Cord Young 1:18:03
Yeah, not not as much personally with the weighted blankets that was kind of our first product with Heuga which didn’t end up working out for us not because it was a bad idea, necessarily, but it was we kind of got into it right as at its peak, and we were really successful with that then we sold out all of our inventory and we weren’t able to replenish in time to kind of keep the ball rolling. So but that one we weren’t as personally interested in but with the red light therapy Yeah, it was it was just a personal interest I had ordered what is now a competitor’s device, and for personal use, and I thought man for what I’m holding in my hand here this is really really expensive I don’t know if it should cost this much and just kind of thought I wonder if we could if there’s an opportunity there for us to maybe get into this this business on our on our own and so that’s exactly what we did and luckily it’s worked out for us but yeah, it was from me with red light therapy was from me purchasing you know, what is now one of our competitors devices and thinking doesn’t need to cost as much and sure enough it doesn’t need to cost even nearly anything close to what they were charging so

Ryan Freng 1:19:16
and then like the red light was that the red light of the blanket that

Cord Young 1:19:20
was that was the red light Yeah, the blanket I had not I had not like personally been super interested in any or or, or anything like that. But But yeah, the red light was the one that I had had purchased and that let’s let’s try getting into this.

Ryan Freng 1:19:34
I don’t know if this is in your guys’s purview. I keep trying to convince carbon for I guess the biggest difficulty is the emulsifier. But you guys mentioned fitness I would love a healthy beer like a like a protein beer or like amino acid and protein rich beer. And I was talking to Zach over carbon four. And he mentioned that you need an emulsifier for the protein because otherwise it separates So that’s why you like shake any prepackaged protein drinks to mix it back up. But would you guys ever get into food and beverage? Or is that just you know, too far away?

Dave Hibler 1:20:14
I think that’s just too difficult to maneuver because then you know, you’re gonna have inspections in the warehouse to make sure you have sterile environment and you have certain packaging and so forth. I mean, we do have connections with with other business owners that do that. But that’s not something that we would personally get into. I mean, that’s, that’s a whole new set of rules. Sure.

John Shoemaker 1:20:38
I just have this idea in my head of Ryan marketing a protein beer called protein. Shake it, you shake it up, and then you open it, and it just, yeah. Throw your hair out again, for your long hair look, and you just, you know, pick your hair around. And then you drink your protein beer. That’s,

Cord Young 1:21:03
I have the whole thing worked out. It’s all with a red light therapy panels shining down on me. Yeah.

Ryan Freng 1:21:09
Yeah, we still have that one panel that the smaller one that sits in our office conference room that we turn on for meetings. I don’t know if we’re getting the benefit of it sitting six feet away. But it’s like it’s almost like this ceremonial thing that happens when you go in there we go in we turn on the light, we’re like, ah, red light. When the light

Dave Hibler 1:21:31
is guys look like you have not aged a bit since the last time we saw you probably due to therapy panels. Due to the red light therapy battles, we were just too lazy to ever just pick up from you guys right down the street. So yeah, that one’s on us. I do want to I do want to make sure before we run out of time here that, you know, we we tell you about experience a chord and I had recently with a different production company that was producing something that we were asked to be a part of. And, you know, when we worked with you guys, when we worked with backflip, we had no benchmark, we had nothing to compare you guys to we had no idea what we were walking into. We found you guys on on Google, walk in your office and sign the contract. And that was it. Well read, you know, so again, we you guys did a phenomenal job, no complaints, everything was awesome. We just assumed everybody did business like you do. And recently, we were asked to be part of a docu series which airs on public television. So you know, it’s it’s a really big deal. And, and so it’s for who good and small red light therapy is to educate viewers on therapy. So when we went court and I flew down just a couple of weeks ago, to be interviewed for this at their studios, they’re going to be getting some B roll shots and you’ve sent them somewhere like therapy panels, which we actually did request back from them, you guys you guys lucked out, but we got their panels and court and I just couldn’t have been less impressed. It was just we showed up it seemed like there was no prep work that went into it. There was seemed like they’re just there’s nothing there. They’re just shooting from the hip. Like yeah, you know, we have a fitness studio downstairs, they’re building we thought maybe we’d go down there and, you know, take a few shots. Oh, wait, we can’t do some of these in there. Well, maybe we’ll just go into this other like it was just totally not prepared. Then we walked into the room where they had one of the red light panels set up on a stand, you know, stands for some of ours. And it was it was not even set up right. Like it just toured and I had to build the whole set ourselves. Whereas when we walked in the backflip you guys were all set to go all the stages were set up the actors were in place hair and makeup, everything good to go. We didn’t you had bagels and coffee for us. We didn’t have to lift a finger. And at this other studio at the end of the shoot, we were packaging up our own things there was there was no bagels and coffee. It was just such a no there’s no plan in place. Yes. So you guys in my my experience now are just far and away above all the other production companies out there as far as I’m concerned. So it’s really want to make sure we gave you guys kudos we’re doing

Ryan Freng 1:24:40
we that’s how we like to wrap up our show. That’s all we got for the no thank you that’s that’s very kind you know, it’s, I appreciate that. That feedback. And it’s so interesting to like, sometimes it’s just the little things right? Like, you know, we set up with this that, you know, prepped with all that because I think we also had to think about how in the world are these lights gonna look on camera. So that was kind of that process we were going through. But then like, for me, like, I’m a host, we had an interview with somebody yesterday, we were interviewing them for position that we have open. And one of the questions was like, Are you a host, or the life of the party, or this or that? And I thought about my own answer. And I was like, Well, I really like to host. You know, I like I want somebody to just like, I want you guys to show up and just be taken care of, like, you know, you can go chill over there, we got music, we got food, we got this, like, I want you to feel great, because when you feel great, this is going to be better, we’re going to communicate better, the energy is going to be what it needs to be to be creative. So I do I do appreciate those kind words. And it’s, it’s

Cord Young 1:25:55
totally that for you guys. It was everything was great in terms of like, we were being hosted and such, but you guys had a plan. You guys were prepared. We were like they said, we walked in there you guys had it going on. It was just kind of like, Hey, if you guys have feedback, let me know. Like, we’re happy. You know, you guys were happy to hear anything we had to say. But otherwise, you guys were like executing. Whereas with this other experience here it was there was no plan whatsoever. Like they weren’t executing. And it was just totally different. So yeah, I mean, when we got out of there, we were down there in Florida. And we were talking about like how much we appreciated our experience, you guys. And yeah, 100% it was just night and day, and that we definitely appreciate how you guys do business after after dealing with some other people.

John Shoemaker 1:26:45
Thanks. Yeah, it’s it’s funny that, you know, I think sometimes Ron and I, we’ve talked a little bit about, you know, you’re like, there’s always a question in this industry about the value of film school, I think, because there’s a lot of technical stuff that goes into it. And you’re like, did I need to study these art films and things like that. And some of the things that came out of film school were like, and I suppose you could teach these in tech school as well. But I

Ryan Freng 1:27:21
think they’re like, more just read them in a blog. Yeah.

John Shoemaker 1:27:25
They were, they were things like, I mean, you’re talking about bagels and coffee, or whatever. And it’s like, one of the things they taught is like, feed your crew, feed your clients. And you’re kind of like, as a student, you’re like, okay, yeah, sure, fine. Like no, do it like, you need to do this, like, you’re about to shove cameras in people’s faces, you’re about to ask them to sit in one place and wait for you while you’re changing lighting setups all day long. Make sure that they have food, drinks, Wi Fi, like, you kind of have to host and then the film side of things, you know, with Ryan and I was like, What the heck are we doing? What story? Are we telling? Like? Who are these people? And why are they in the settings? And what’s going on? Yes, I’m not necessarily like tapping into my like, you know, Mizuguchi Japanese who are style, you know, whatever. But even though I joke about that there are times when we’re like, oh, you remember when we like talked about this thing? And you know, way back when, like, what if we use that here? Or what if we like use this kind of angle to give this feel, you know, standard customers and you know, your target audience can’t put their finger on it. They don’t know why they have a reaction to it. But there is something behind it. And that’s always what we’ve been trying to trying to do. And so like, even though I mean, you guys just had a very simple request, like well, let’s just you know, we just need to show these lights off in a cool way. We’re always trying to like okay, what can we do? What can we do the best here?

Ryan Freng 1:29:06
We’re trying to bring music Gucci and do it music Gucci? Yeah. So do you guys have like 10 more minutes. It’s about 130, which is what we typically put the cut off at. But if you have like, here we go. If you have 10 minutes, let’s do this. Let’s see if this works

alright, network that was fun. We’re gonna play a game called two truths and a lie. To get to know you guys a little bit better. I feel like we’re just getting you know, we’re just scratching the surface. So let’s let’s play a little game that helps us know You more and John and I are not going to tell you two truths and a lie just because it’ll take forever. So I’ll Vamp a little bit while you guys can prepare. We’ll make we’ll make core go first, since he’s the young guy. You know, he used to be the intern so he can go and be the first. But if you haven’t played this game before, you come up with three stories, and two of them are true. And one of them is a lie. And we and also the people at home, get to guess what the lie is? And let’s see, we do have Aaron hanging out with us on YouTube. What’s up, Aaron, thanks for jumping on. We sent Yeah, we’re sending him cookies from last week actually, for hanging out with us. And once we get our what are those called coasters printed? We’ll send those out. So if you participate today in the game, we’ll send you guys happy hour and backflip coasters. So do put your answers in the chat and we will read them. And this is a part of that. That intro Vamp to give chord and Dave a minute to get their stories down again, you know, three stories two are true one is false any order, you want to try to stump the other person too. So you guys probably know each other stories pretty well. So if you can stump each other, that’s fun. And good stories are you know, they’ve got a grain of truth in them, or good lies or have a grain of truth. John can do this very well. I don’t think you’re John, I don’t think you lie overly much, or I don’t think you lie at all. But you’re really good at it in this game. I don’t know. Maybe I lie a lot. And you just don’t know it. Oh, boy. It’s going to change his my perspective on everything. Yeah, so also to if you are watching at home and you want to give these guys crap or ask questions, please do post them. We are live on Facebook and YouTube. And we can answer questions. We’ve got like a 10 second delay or so. So we’ll deal with that. As it comes up, so it looks like cord. You’re ready. I’m ready. All right. So let’s go Go for it. Give us your three stories.

Cord Young 1:32:21
All right, my three stories. One, I have a three year old Labradoodle named Reggie. Two. I initially went to school at UW am transferred to UW Madison and then transferred back to UW AM. And by me I mean Milwaukee sorry, so So UW Milwaukee, to Madison, back to UW Milwaukee. And three I have never traveled anywhere outside of the US. Those are my three stories.

Ryan Freng 1:32:58
Alright, so John, and I will guess first and then Dave will let you go last and anyone at home can go in the middle there too. All right.

Cord Young 1:33:10
So you don’t need me to recap.

Ryan Freng 1:33:12
Yeah, I wrote it down. So you three year old Labradoodle named Reggie? Yep. Named after like Reggie Watts or

Cord Young 1:33:21
Reggie White. Reggie White.

Ryan Freng 1:33:25
Wm to Madison to UW M. Yep. On purpose. Yes. You stumped me there. And then the third one is never traveled outside the US. Yep. All right, John, what do you think in here

John Shoemaker 1:33:50
I’m thinking these are hard in their simplicity.

Ryan Freng 1:33:56
Also, Aaron says I really hope the last one is a lie. Which is kind of funny. Like you hope he’s never traveled outside of the US. You

Cord Young 1:34:08
know that he has the opposite. So he’s helping I have traveled outside the US I think,

Ryan Freng 1:34:12
oh, no, that’s way better. I thought you were just being a jerk. Turns out you’re awesome.

John Shoemaker 1:34:21
All right. I’m gonna go with Okay, let’s see. Man,

Ryan Freng 1:34:33
you know what, let’s see.

John Shoemaker 1:34:36
I’m gonna go with the I’m gonna go with the first one. I mean, we never set like, Dave would. I feel like Dave would know if the second one is a lie, which maybe it is but that just seems so specific. Granted, I don’t know any information here. But I feel like you could have fudged the I know you have a dog a puppy said that Labradoodle is a common breed but you’re a bow hunter. You might want more of a bird dog. So maybe the breeds not right. Maybe the age isn’t gonna

Ryan Freng 1:35:21
swan. Ooh, boy. I love that. I was gonna say number two, just because Aaron picked number three. And you’re gonna pick number one, but I like that. I mean, I guess poodle poodles are hunting dogs, aren’t they? And labs are just batshit crazy. Yeah, I’m gonna I’m gonna go back to my original. I’m gonna say number two. I’m gonna pick that one. Alright, and then all right now? Yeah.

Dave Hibler 1:35:52
Number two, but there was so much into this for like, I think Ryan said there’s like a grain of truth in every lie. So I really had to think hard on this, because core does have a Labradoodle named Reggie. But it’s like, three years old. Is he too busy for right now in the weeds are we getting here? And then I know Kord likes to go to Jamaica every year pre COVID. So I know it’s not that one. And then I know the court did go to UW and Madison. And I know he tried for medicine back up. Yeah. But I think that’s the why because I think you started and you WM and then transferred to Milwaukee. So I think that’s the one.

Cord Young 1:36:36
All right, answers are in. Yep. What do we got? So it is true. I have a Labradoodle, a three year old Aboriginal named Reggie. It is true. I started at UW M. Transferred to Madison and transferred back to UW and that is true. And it is a lie that I have never traveled traveled outside the US. I’ve been outside the US many times. Oh, yeah. I

Dave Hibler 1:36:59
was 18. I just goes Jamaica. So

Ryan Freng 1:37:06
yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Yeah, with the reverse, like the negative.

Cord Young 1:37:11
So I got all you guys. Yeah. Even though I like was,

Dave Hibler 1:37:15
I knew that all you still struggling.

Ryan Freng 1:37:17
Yeah. But Aaron got it. So

John Shoemaker 1:37:20
that was a risk, too. You know, I think I think I went that route. Because a lot of like, outdoorsman, hunters or whatever, like, they spend their time and their money doing that. And then to go out of the country. It’s that just takes more time. It takes more time away out of your hunting season. So but that was kind of, but I make room for it all.

Ryan Freng 1:37:46
Nice. All right. Now we got Dave, let’s do a.

Dave Hibler 1:37:51
So when. So Tyler and I lived in Florida briefly. I know there’s a lot to the Forever lady story that we didn’t even have time to get into today. But there’s a short period of time early on where we had signed a licensing agreement with the makers of Snuggie. Remember the Snuggie, the blanket, the sleeves and all that. And they licensed out our product. And they just paid us a royalty and they took over the business and we weren’t actually even allowed to do anything, which was fantastic. So we moved to Florida for a little while. So when we were down in Florida being entrepreneurial, we wanted to start other businesses. So So we tried to start a dating app called Five. And we spent time working on that connecting people. We tried starting a food truck food trucks are really big in Florida because you could really do it 365 days a year. So we tried starting a food truck called spicy taco because the only thing we’re really capable of carrying is something simple like tacos we can put. And then my third thing here is then after. Before I started forever lazy. When I said I was fired. I was fired for threatening to throw my trainer out of the window. So the window the office building, we worked at Kohl’s corporate. So anyway, those are my three

Ryan Freng 1:39:24
All right, here’s the best part. This happened last week. I lost it right after dating app. My screen froze here.

John Shoemaker 1:39:33
Well, I got them but I didn’t read that just to know what one two and three. So it was are the three the dating app, the food truck? The firing? Yep.

Dave Hibler 1:39:46
Yeah, the reason for the fire. I already admitted earlier I was fine.

Ryan Freng 1:39:51
What was the reason for the firing?

Dave Hibler 1:39:53
So so just to fully recap so you missed the middle. So the other night When we were down living in Florida, we were looking for something to keep ourselves busy. So we want to start another business. So we tried creating a dating app called vibe. We tried launching a food truck called a spicy taco because the only thing we’re capable of preparing that’s not complicated is something like tacos. And then what I was working for colds corporate office, my first and only corporate job, I was fired for threatening to throw my trainer out of the window. So those are my three

Ryan Freng 1:40:36
awesome, I wrote them down dating app, food, truck, and defenestrate your trainer to throw a body out of a window and that’s it. That means What’s the defenestrate straight? Yeah, I believe. Yeah, I believe that’s to throw a body out of a window.

John Shoemaker 1:41:01
This came this came up in previous podcast,

Cord Young 1:41:06
like in a previous podcast, that’s

Ryan Freng 1:41:09
Ryan is the answer. You gotta tune in to find out maybe.

John Shoemaker 1:41:14
Did you get that from gas pump TV?

Ryan Freng 1:41:17
Yeah, yeah, no, everything on gas pump TV. I’m writing down and then I’m trying to bring up in podcasts word of Yeah,

cheddar. Cheddar is word of the day defenestration?

All right, so Aaron’s vote is in vibe is Ally. Aaron’s pretty good at this game. So we need like a challenger to Aaron. What do you got, John?

John Shoemaker 1:41:44
I’m gonna go with the food truck. I think we heard some of these stories. I don’t know if I’m remembering them correctly. I think the firing. And the reason that’s I think that’s the truth. And it’s hilarious still. Yeah, I don’t remember if we heard about the dating app, if we heard the name. I feel like you’ve got a shade of truth in your food truck. But that maybe it wasn’t tacos. Maybe it was something else that just didn’t sell well in Florida. I mean, tacos wouldn’t sell well, because you probably don’t make very authentic tacos. And Florida probably has tons of them. But maybe it was something more Midwestern. And it just didn’t sell

Ryan Freng 1:42:32
in Florida. You’re saying like Florida has a lot of tacos. Yeah, there’s too many tacos in Florida. Where proximity to Cuba? The Cubans have tacos. I don’t know. I’m I’m gonna pull my white males hard and just dig in.

John Shoemaker 1:42:51
Yeah. I’m not qualified for this discussion. All right. Let’s

Ryan Freng 1:42:56
see. So yeah, I feel like the third one throw somebody out a window. I feel like I heard that story. It just sounded familiar when you said that. So dating app vibe or food truck? You did you did mention the difficulties of food and the inspections and things like that. So I wonder if you have a history of trying to make a food business work. So I’m gonna I’m gonna say number one as well. I’m gonna say dating app. vibe. I’m gonna go with Aaron on this one. So we’ll let cord guests now.

Cord Young 1:43:33
Spicy tacos a lie. That’s all I have to say.

Dave Hibler 1:43:39
That’s correct. The food truck is a lie.

I did. Tyler and I did try launching a dating app on vibe. It was vy ve because you know that’s the cool way spelling it was super cool. Yeah, super cool. Super hip. So tried launching it didn’t work out did threaten to throw my trainer out of the window didn’t actually execute got fired beforehand started forever. Lazy rest is history. So that’s that’s my story. And then

John Shoemaker 1:44:07
you got to come on this podcast. Did you rock of some sort?

Dave Hibler 1:44:11
Or never a food truck. But across my apartments in Florida, there’s a courtyard where every Thursday, there was like 20 food trucks that lined up. So

Ryan Freng 1:44:24
that’s awesome. Well, because I made it. Thanks so much for playing this field. Ah,

Dave Hibler 1:44:36
who says to truth and lie like Do you have your kids say that are like yeah, so

Ryan Freng 1:44:40
my four year old is home. So we have a nanny today. So she they’re like running around the parks and stuff. And I was like before you go to the park, come here. I need you to say something. So I had her run down here and use my mic and say that so I was whipping it up this morning. I thought it’d be fun. Yeah, it was fun. So I Like I said, we did just scratch the surface. I understand why, like Joe Rogan, and people just talk for like three hours because I feel like, you know, it takes a little while just to reconnect and get through that. And then you start getting into the good stuff. So my hope is that we can have you guys back on again. Yeah. And then let’s start with their, you know,

Dave Hibler 1:45:18
yeah, let’s do it. Because no, that’s a great point. It’s crazy for how long we have talked. Yeah, I feel like there’s just so much as left on set.

Ryan Freng 1:45:27
Yeah. Yep. So we’ll definitely have you guys back on. What else can we plug for you guys right now? Let’s see. I’ve got I’ve got these we got who got health.com forever? lazy.com. Check you out on the social?

Dave Hibler 1:45:41
Yeah, no, that’s it. We’re all good. It’s all good.

Cord Young 1:45:43
Amazon, too, you know if anyone’s interested in any of this stuff? Yeah.

Dave Hibler 1:45:48
Five Star Review. Or products leave a five star review?

Ryan Freng 1:45:54
Yeah, if it’s a four star, just email us directly.

Dave Hibler 1:45:57
Yes, exactly. You can email us directly at junk at hookah. health.com.

Cord Young 1:46:04
Yeah, I’m cracking up right now at their most recent comment here. Someone read that out loud.

Ryan Freng 1:46:11
Oh. vibe is an online dating platform designed to help Africans connect with other Africa. That is not

Dave Hibler 1:46:18
that is not our vibe. That is that is not the vibe of how they’re sitting here. Google says vibe is an online dating platform designed to help Africans connect with other Africans online and offline.

Ryan Freng 1:46:30
Okay, somebody saw what you were doing. And they took it and they

Dave Hibler 1:46:34
took it away. We were working on an African dating app Africans only failed for some reason. You saw a need

Ryan Freng 1:46:41
in the market.

John Shoemaker 1:46:43
We heard that you guys bailed on it. And somebody picked it right up. And now they’re like the Facebook of Africa. And

Dave Hibler 1:46:49
I know, they’re making millions and I’m sitting here during a sling onesies. This is bullshit. Yeah.

Ryan Freng 1:46:57
All right. Well, that’s our show for today. Next week, we’ve got Apache Dan, fourth joining us from paradigm. Team, that’s going to be great. Check that out. In a couple of weeks, we got robbed pero. From that same team. He’s the namesake, and what is the creative director over there. So that’s going to be great. You can always check out the previous history down below somewhere. And we’re going to be turning these all into podcasts. So the visual humor is going to be amazing. You’re gonna love it as a podcast where you can only hear us so take a look at that. You can find that on our website. Let’s backflip.com/podcast I think I don’t know, nobody’s nobody’s going to type it. And you’re just going to Google search it anyway. So thank you, guys. David cord so much for coming on. John, always thank you for your heavy lifting on the show. And thank you so much for tuning in. Aaron, we’re already sending you everything. Well, we’ll just make sure we send you maybe one more thing that we haven’t said that we’d give away. We’ll give you something else for participating and always winning the game. So thank you all so much. Thanks, David cord. And that’s our show for the week, guys.

Cord Young 1:48:11
Good weekend.

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Ryan Freng
Owner and creative director. Shall we begin like David Copperfield? 'I am born...I grew up.' Wait, I’m running out of space? Ah crap, ooh, I’ve got it...