Creating a Catholic Social Media Strategy So, you’ve decided to take the leap into the wild, uncharted territory of social media to spread the True, Good, and Beautiful within the Catholic Church. Creating a Catholic social media strategy may seem overwhelming but we’re here to simplify it. Maybe you’re a parish communication team that’s tired […]
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In an office full of movie nerds, or for a more endearing name, film bros, a lot of movie titles get thrown around on a daily basis. But one category of movies seems to be skimmed over, maybe because we have exhausted the topic or because there isn’t enough hype surrounding them. So I figured, […]
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We work in the secular world, but we strive for what is True, Good, and Beautiful in everything. Our owners are all Catholic, and they want to bring the beauty of the faith into every project, secular or religious. Whether you’re a Catholic, or web designer, or both, this blog will equip you with tools […]
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Creating a Catholic Social Media Strategy So, you’ve decided to take the leap into the wild, uncharted territory of social media to spread the True, Good, and Beautiful. Maybe you’re a parish communication team that’s tired of bulletin boards, a Catholic organization looking to engage beyond the pews, or a religious educator who’s realized that […]
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