Just as the Dollar Shave Club revolutionized the razor industry, so too will Phoenix Restoration!
Like a beer commercial for the restoration industry
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Thermastor is the type of client who makes what we do enjoyable. They originally came to us to respond to some videos released by a competitor.
The videos in question were so-called “scientific testing” videos which, according to our clients, were extremely inaccurate and scientifically wrong. Initially the client wanted to strike back tit-for-tat. They wanted to refute the incorrect claims and espouse their own. It was then that we realized that this was a lot like a playground fight.
In a playground fight you usually have one party that likes to try and push others around by building themselves up and lying. There are three ways you can handle a tough situation on the playground: 1) lower yourself and fight on the same level (bad), 2) cry and go tattle (can be good for children but irrelevant in this situation), 3) just be awesome because you are awesome (this is what we decided to do).
Starting from a “let’s just be awesome” perspective we looked around for something that could dismiss the so-called “scientific testing” while showing a humorous side as well as product features. We didn’t have to go far until we found the Dollar Shave Club promo from a few years ago.
We wanted to take this concept even further so we put our heads together with the creative team over at Thermastor to come up with something that was bigger, flashier, and had useful information about the product.
After our first creative brainstorm Thermastor sent us a treatment with lots of great ideas. Then John took the treatment and honed it down into into a script that is about 95% of what it is now. From there Ryan worked with our wonderful storyboard artist Amanda Shaffer to start the visualization process.
It was important that we translate the written work correctly to screen in order that we would fulfill the intention of the creative and script. The storyboards were critical to getting the timing of each shot correct. After we finished the storyboards we shot a test to make sure the timing would all work out.
The storyboards were critical to getting the timing of each shot correct.
From there Julia hit the ground running calling all the necessary crew and working out any special items. She booked the pyrotechnics and steamroller and we were ready to shoot. As it often happens just before a shoot something fell through. Julia called the steamroller company to confirm delivery and they told her they’d rented our booked steamroller! With some snappy producing Julia had another steamroller ready to deliver for the shoot two days away.
Two shoot days and two weeks of editing later and we’ve created a piece that can help show the awesomeness of Thermastor and their AirMax fan.